Taylor & Francis
Halmstad University has a Read & Publish agreement with Taylor & Francis. This means that the Article Processing Charges (APCs) may be covered by the national agreement. Here we have summarized what you as a researcher need to know.
Agreement period
What’s included?
The Article Processing Charges (APCs) are covered by the national agreement with the publisher as follows:
- The agreement covers unlimited publishing in all Open Select Journals and all Open Access journals after 2025-01-01.
- Articles are published with CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND licenses.
- Following article types are included: Article/Research Article and Review/Review Article.
Find journals included in publishing agreements
All journals included in this agreement can be found in Halmstad University SciFree by searching title or publisher:
What's not included?
- Publishers Dove Medical Press and PeerJ are not included in the agreement.
- The platform Faculty (owned by Taylor & Francis) is not included in the agreement.
- Other article types for example: Editorials, Announcements and Book Reviews are not included.
- Additional charges associated with the printed journal, such as color figures or offprints.
Requirements to use the agreement
• Corresponding author must be affiliated with Halmstad University.
• Your Halmstad University affiliation must be stated in the published article.
• Use your Halmstad University e-mail address at all stages of the publishing process.
Author workflow
Information for authors about the agreement can be found on the following web page: Open Access Agreement for Authors in Sweden