Knowledge base for researchers


Quick Start Guides

Get an overview of publishing related content in the knowledge base.

3 articles

Author rights and responsibilities

Legal and copyright issues regarding scientific publishing.

5 articles

Author profiles

Keep your work updated and easy to discover by managing your author profiles.

4 articles


Managing your content in the university´s scientific institutional repository.

13 articles


Resources and considerations when identifying the right journal.

10 articles

Measuring scientific output

Various aspects of measuring publication output: bibliometrics, altmetrics, etc.

5 articles

Open Access

Making scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone.

13 articles

Open Access agreements

Current OA agreements, with discounts (e.g. memberships) as well as without APC

20 articles


Tools & resources for writing, collaborating and reference management.

2 articles

Research Data

Getting started

Resources to fast track you into research data management

3 articles

Planning data

The life of data from its entry to the research cycle to dissemination and archiving

3 articles

Storing data

Structure and organise your data in a consistent way suitable for storage.

4 articles

Sharing data

Make your data accessible for others to reuse in their project.

6 articles