Claim Authorship

By claiming authorship, you can edit a bibliographic record that others have registered, but which you are affiliated with by being a co-author.

How to Claim Authorship

  1. In DiVA's registration form, go to "Edit / Delete record".

    2. Search for the record for which you wish to claim authorship.

    3. In the search list, you will see a drop-down menu with three filters allowing you to choose which records to be shown.

    • All  – All records are shown, whether you have authority to edit it or not.
    • My records  – Only displays the records you can edit or delete. 
    • Co-author  – Displays the records for which you can claim authorship by being one of the authors or editors.

4.To claim authorship of a record you have not registered yourself, choose Co-author.

  1. Click on the title of the publication you want to edit. A pop-up window appears.
  • 6. Your last name should appear in grey (not editable) and your first name or initial and username in black (editable). In the drop-down menu, choose your affiliation or affiliations.

    7. You may also click on "Save and change details" to access the bibliographic record.

    • Should you not have the authority to claim authorship to a record, the following message will appear.

    • Should your name match several authors in the bibliographic record, the following message will appear where you can tick the box next to the name or click on "Save and change details".

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