How to create a Data Management Plan in DMPonline


Make sure you use the save-buttons to commit any additions or edits, since the system does not auto-save!

1. Create an account & sign in

First, create an account by register with your HH e-mail and a unique password.

For future login, choose " Sign in with your institutional credentials" and login with your HH login credentials.

2. Creating a plan

  • Click on "Create plans".
  • Type in the title of the project.
  • Select a primary research organisation for the project, HH is chosen by default, or if the organisation is not listed, check the box for no organisation applies.
  • Choose a funder by searching the in the list “Select the primary funding organization”. Here you will find The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and the European Commission amongst others.

By choosing The Swedish Research Council as a fundertheir template will be chosen.

For the European Commission, you can choose between 2 templates. 

If the funder isn´t in the list, check the box "no funder…”. For this a generic template for HH, built largely on the Swedish Research Council´s template, will be used.

  • Then click on “Create plan”.

Please note!

You can find a complete listing of available templates, under Reference / DMP Templates. From here you can initiate a new DMP based on the listed templates.

3. Fill in your project details

  • By default the guidance of Digital Curation Centre (DCC) is selected. We recommend that you keep this selection. Select Halmstad University to see help texts that we have written.

4. Add contributors

  • Add all contributors and their roles. If known, fill in the Orcid for each contributor.

5. Plan overview

  • Here you can read more about of what the template entails.
  • When you are ready to start answering the questions in the plan, Choose ”Write Plan”.

6. Write plan

  • To start filling in the template, either open one section of questions at a time, or open all section and questions by using the “Expand all” feature.

For each question there is a section to the right with a guiding text. 

7. Resume work on an existing plan

  • To continue working on an unpublished, non completed plan, either a plan created by you, or by a colleague which has been shared with you to work on, you will find it on on your dashboard under “My Dashboard”.

8. Share your Data Management Plan (DMP)

  • Here you set the visibility for the plan and you can also invite project collaborators to add information to the plan before it is finished.

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