Requirements from research funders on data management
National requirements
Demands from institutions, research funders and publishers on researchers to make a data management plan on how to handle their projects data, how to collect the data and in what form it should be accessible for future research, are increasing. As from 2019, if your project is financed by the Swedish Research Council you must have a plan for how the research data shall be managed.
Since 2017, the Swedish Research Council, together with the National Library of Sweden, has been commissioned to coordinate the national work on introducing open access to research data and the requirement for a data management plan is one step in their work towards an open research data policy in Sweden.
International overview
Internationally the demands on open research data are also increasing from journals and publishers. Their policies may vary and it is important for you as a researcher to find out what applies to the journal you intend to publish in.
A list of international, including the largest Swedish research financiers who have a data policy, requirements for open access publishing and archiving, can be found in Sherpa Juliet.
Horizon 2020
The European Commission is running a pilot under Horizon 2020 called the Open Research Data Pilot (ORD pilot) which aims to maximize access and re-use of research data generated by Horizon 2020 financed projects. The ORD pilot is flexible in the sense that some research data cannot be made open because of sensitive personal information or copyright and security issues, and have therefore applied the principle of 'as open as possible, as closed as necessary'.