Reference Management Tools

What is it

A reference management tool helps you to manage your bibliographic references throughout the process of writing and publication.

What is it used for?

  • Importing references from different databases and collect them in one place.
  • Keeping track of your references.
  • Creating in-text references and reference lists in your documents in word processors.
  • Formatting the references according to different reference systems or specific journals' requirements.
  • Creating publication lists.

Examples of tools


EndNote is a software package you can have installed on your computer. It is available to all employees at Halmstad University free of charge, also to install on your personal computer at home.

EndNote Online

EndNote Online is a web-based version of EndNote. In addition to EndNote, it also makes it possible to share your references with others who have EndNote Online. Both students and staff at Halmstad University can create an account.

To use Cite While You Write (CWYW), which lets you insert your references from EndNote Online in your Word document, a plug-in that can be downloaded from EndNote Online is required. The plug-in should already be installed on the university computers. If the tab EndNote Online is missing in Word (or the Tool Endnote Online if it is a Mac), you can notify the IT department via Helpdesk.


Zotero is a freely available reference management tool that is used together with the Firefox browser. There is also a standalone version, Zotero Standalone, which in addition to Firefox can be linked to the browsers Chrome and Safari.


Mendeley is a free tool which works with MS Word, OpenOffice and Bibtex.


RefWorks is a cloud-based reference management tool that is free for researchers and students at the university. RefWorks is compatible with Word and Google Docs.

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