The Norwegian List

What Is It

”The Norwegian list” – or The Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers – is an official Norwegian list consisting of publication channels which are considered to be scientific. It is operated jointly between The National Board of Scholarly Publishing (NPU) and Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills on behalf of The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

To be accredited, a publication channel has to meet certain standards:

  • The work must be peer-reviewed.
  • The work must be obtainable by those who normally would want to get hold of it.
  • There must be ‘new insight’ (original research).
  • The work must not be previously published.
  • The author and the author`s institution must be clearly stated in the publication.
  • The publication channel must be clearly marked with name and/or identifier.

Initially data was imported from WoS, Scopus, or Ulrichsweb, later additions have come through suggestions from various interested parties. Anyone can register at the site, and suggest new additions.

What Is It Used for

The Norwegian model measures both quantity and quality by acknowledging both the publication volume and the publication channels. A publication is rewarded certain points depending on the channels scientific level. Level 1 (the standard level) or level 2, for journals of high standing, publishing no more than a total of 20 per cent of all publications within their fields. More points are rewarded for level 2 publications.

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