Springer Nature
Halmstad University has a Read & Publish agreement with Springer Nature. This means that the Article Processing Charges (APCs) may be covered by the national agreement. Here we have summarized what you as a researcher need to know.
Agreement period:
What’s included?
The Article Processing Charges (APCs) are covered by the national agreement with the publisher as follows:
- All of the publisher's open access journals as well as the majority of the publisher's hybrid journals. Eligible journals ca be found on the following web page: Open Access agreement for Sweden
- Articles are published with CC-BY license. Some journals also include the CC-BY-NC.
- The agreement covers following article types: Original Paper, Review paper, Brief Communication and Continuing Education.
Find journals included in publishing agreements
All journals included in this agreement can be found in Halmstad University SciFree by searching title or publisher:
What’s not included?
- The journal Nature and other journals published under the Nature publishing label (38 hybrid journals and 26 subscription-only journals) are not included in the agreement.
- Additional charges associated with the printed journal, such as color figures or offprints.
Requirements to use the agreement
• Corresponding author must be affiliated with Halmstad University.
• Your Halmstad University affiliation must be stated in the published article.
• Use your Halmstad University e-mail address at all stages of the publishing process
Author workflow
An author guide and more information about the agreement can be found on the web page Open Access Agreements for Sweden - Information for Authors