Halmstad University has a Publish agreement with PLOS. This means that the Article Processing Charges (APCs) may be covered by the national agreement. Here we have summarized what you as a researcher need to know.

Agreement period


What’s included?

The Article Processing Charges (APCs) are covered by the national agreement with the publisher as follows:

  • All PLOS journals are included in the agreement. See Journal options.
  • All articles are published with CC-BY license.
  • All article types are included.

Find journals included in publishing agreements

All journals included in this agreement can be found in Halmstad University SciFree by searching title or publisher:

Search for journals

What's not included?

  • Additional charges associated with the printed journal, such as color figures or offprints.

Requirements to use the agreement

• Corresponding author must be affiliated with Halmstad University.

• Your Halmstad University affiliation must be stated in the published article.

• Use your Halmstad University e-mail address at all stages of the publishing process

Workflow for authors

Important: To get APC free publishing, please follow the author workflow instructions given in the how-to video below. There are two critical steps:

  1. When logged in, please update you information. You are strongly required to choose Halmstad University (the broadest version of Halmstad University) in the drop-down menu.
  2. When starting submitting, you follow different steps, and in the publication fees section you have to click the radio button "My institution will fully or partially pay the fee as a member of PLOS Institutional Account Program", and a second drop-down menu will appear, where you have to choose Halmstad University once more.
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